Newest titles:

Flying thirteen miles above the earth, U-2 spy plane pilots had a weighty task before them: find and photograph Russian missile sites scattered across the island of Cuba for President John Kennedy. For nearly two harrowing weeks the world was on edge, lives in the balance. What was said in Kennedy's dramatic cabinet meetings? Why didn't the U.S. attack when U-2 pilot Maj. Rudy Anderson was shot down? Find out here.

A hard working blue collar family from Texas unknowingly entered the crosshairs of a German U-boat laying in wait in the Gulf of Mexico in 1942. A heartbreaking true story, So Close to Home takes you into both the struggle to get ahead as experienced by the Downs family and the U-boats’ race against the American war machine. Neither won.
The middle reader version of the story, Attacked At Sea, has been lauded by the Junior Library Guild, School Library Journal, and others.

Middle Reader Edition

Middle Reader Edition